Cold Laser Therapy By: Sarah Trangmar Remedial Massage, Oncology Massage, Scar Tissue Massage, Cold Laser Therapy, Complex Lymphatic Drainage, Bowen Therapy, Kinesiology Those who have had a treatment with me may well have encountered my “ magic wand” which I will whip out of my pocket when I find a particular sore, stubborn spot in…

Learn how to make Probiotic Cultured Coconut Yoghurt The Important Role of Beneficial Gut Microbe Diversity & Higher Microbe Populations in Human Health Microbiome workshops by Health Kitchen presents evidence based education about the new science of gut microbes and the impact they have on every aspect of human health. Learn about how they can…

What is Reflexology and How Does it Help You Reflexology is an ancient therapy recorded in early Chinese Medicine and Egypt. Reflexology is a complementary therapy, which, through the manipulation of the feet, aims to assist health issues in various parts of the body. Reflexology principle is that the feet have ‘reflex’ points that correspond…