How to Make GAPS Yogurt
Fermented dairy is a big part of The GAPS™ Diet and quite often even those who have had difficulty digesting dairy in the past will find they can tolerate the yogurt and whey made themselves following the The GAPS™ Diet Protocol. The main difference between GAPS yogurt and commercial yogurt is that it is fermented for 24 hours making it easier to digest.
Download a copy of my yogurt making recipe here
Below you’ll see I’ve used BD Farmers BioDynamic Organic Full Cream Milk which is Pasturised (in Australia Raw Cow’s Milk can be extremely hard to come by for human consumption so for the purpose of this blog I’ve used what is going to be easier for the majority to access).
I also used their yogurt as my initial starter culture.
You’ll need to sterilise the glass bowl using some boiled water, to do this boil the kettle and let it cool slightly, then place a metal spoon and a metal strainer into the bowl and pour the hot water onto the metal not directly onto the glass.. the metal absorbs some of the heat and the bowl shouldn’t crack.
Leave it for a few minutes then tip out the hot water and leave the bowl to cool before you add in the culture, anything hotter than blood temperature will kill the bacteria and ultimately ruin your batch of yogurt.
I use a Luvele yogurt maker (you can purchase from my store) which is SCD / GAPS friendly and I’ve found it to produce perfect yogurt every time so this recipe and quantities I give you are relative to this particular maker.
Place 10 cups of milk (this is for a 2 litre jar) into a saucepan and bring it to the boil. When it starts to bubble and froth, turn it down to low and leave it to gently simmer for 10 minutes, this is the way I’ve made my yogurt for years and it always produces a lovely thick creamy result.
Once the 10 minutes is up, switch off the heat and place it into the sink, lid on with some cold water (I usually have the cold water halfway up the side of the pan, sometimes I have to change the water to continue to cool the milk as the heat from the pan heats the water).
Once it’s cooled, test the milk on your wrist using the sterilised spoon to get some of it out to drop onto your wrist, and ensure it’s no hotter than blood temperature. With the culture waiting in the sterilised jar strain the milk to remove any skin (I do this a couple of times, it makes the end product more creamy and less lumpy), then place the bowl with the lid on into the yogurt maker for 24 hours on 36 degrees.
Once it’s done, place it into the fridge for 8 hours and there you have it, delicious, creamy GAPS yogurt.
So no excuses, it’s one of the easiest things to do so Good Luck!!
From the team at Mumma’s Own.