Dr Kerry Harris
Director - Taking very limited new patients
Dr Kerry Harris received her BSc in Molecular biology (Genetics and Biochemistry) from Adelaide University. Her initial research was into Fragile X and other human genetic inborn errors of metabolism. She then worked at the Clinical Trials Unit of the Adelaide University School of Medicine, researching into preterm birth and Respiratory Distress Syndrome. She commenced the study of medicine at Flinders University and graduated in 2002. She worked at Flinders Medical Centre for several years before undertaking her training as a general practitioner (GP).
Her interest in nutritional medicine began through working with Dr Sinclair Bode and overcoming her own health issues using integrative medicine. Dr Harris has a fellowship in General Practice & Nutritional & Environmental Medicine and has lectured for ACNEM, Bio Balance, and SAHAMM, both in Australia and overseas. Dr Harris is also enjoying assisting the MFS & SA Health in undertaking research into PFAS.
She hopes to increase awareness about Nutritional and Environmental Medicine and to aid in better outcomes in health care through an Integrative, patient centered approach. Dr Harris has a particular interest in areas relating to mental health, gut, diet, food intolerances, allergies, genetics, mould toxicity and complex medical conditions. She is also trained in Plant based medicine, Infusion Therapy, Injectable Nutrients and often oversees the busy infusion clinic.
Dr Harris does however, often have a wait time for new patients of several weeks. However, she does still welcome limited new patients in specific areas. Booking enquiries for Dr Harris can be made here. She looks forward to working with you.
Languages spoken: Dr Harris speaks English
Doctor Harris is an independent tenant practitioner at Integrative Health Solutions and is therefore, responsible for all her own conduct at this facility. Kerry Harris ABN is 21909227878.