Acupuncture, Anti-Aging, Community Acupuncture
Areas of Interest: Chronic and Acute Pain management, Neuromuscular pain, Women’s hormonal balance, Headaches, Cancer treatment management and other internal disorders

We are pleased to announce that Junji Takarabe will begin offering Community Acupuncture at 9.30am on Saturday Mornings, in 2018!

Community acupuncture is a 1 hour group acupuncture session suitable for a variety of conditions including, but not limited to:

Pain management
Neurological disorder
Chronic condition (requiring ongoing treatment)
Stroke recovery
Hormone balance
Cancer support (neuropathy and nausea)

It should be noted that privacy is somewhat limited in a group setting and therefore this is not ideal if you have significant personal issues to discuss. If this is the case, an initial appointment with Junji privately may be more appropriate and from this a treatment plan can be devised. Subsequent treatments are ideal to be conducted in the group setting and are fantastic for those with financial restraints. We hope that in offering this service, we can assist more patients and make acupuncture treatments more widely accessible for all.

Undertaking treatment in a group setting, allows patients the opportunity to access treatment at a greatly reduced price. Book your appointment online by choosing the ‘group’ bookings tab.

Online Bookings