Why Would I See a Credentialed Diabetes Educator? Having been diagnosed with diabetes no matter what type can bring a mixture of feelings including guilt, confusion, fear and a sense of loss. There is also an incredible amount of misunderstanding of all types of diabetes and well as individuals albeit well-meaning people giving advice that…

CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitoring)-Are They All the Same and Do They Really Help Diabetes Management? With the recent announcement that continuous and flash monitoring equipment will be subsidized for all individuals diagnosed with type 1 diabetes from the 1st July 2022, management options for those who choose to use them will change considerably. People With…

CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitoring) – Are They All the Same and Do They Really Help Diabetes Management? With the recent announcement that continuous and flash monitoring equipment will be subsidized for all individuals diagnosed with type 1 diabetes from the 1st July 2022, management options for those who choose to use them will change considerably….

Glucose Monitoring-Is It Really That Helpful? I am often asked as a Credentialled Diabetes Educator by individuals who are diagnosed with diabetes if they really need to monitor their glucose levels. It is, of course very important for those with type 1 diabetes (whether they choose blood glucose monitoring or continuous glucose monitoring) However, for…

Diabetes Education – What Is It and How Can It Help Me? When you are first diagnosed with diabetes there is much to learn! There are also many people willing to give advice around how they, their family members, and friends they know manage their diabetes! Diabetes is a very personal journey that requires time,…